I have been workin for the past few months with a road show... and the sad thing is that i have to wear this mascot every weekend.. some say that it looks huge, round and cute and yet some say it's terrifying, if you guys live around KL and go to outlets such as Giant, Carrefour and Juscos, im sure you will come across it...
Tadaaaa... cute hor, hor...
the reason that this thing drains me is that it weighs 10kgs and and there are only 3 supports, the head, and the shoulders. the only place you can see where you are going are the eyes of this lil, i mean huge monster. but the eyes are not eye level as i need to take my head off the head support and move forward to have a better view so i dont walk straight into children, so this factor minus it down to 2 supports. And so, now im typing with a sore shoulder.
Dum dee dum dum....
And the kids i tell you, they go crazy... some comes over and shakes my hand and some likes to bully me as they push me around and pull and etc. PARENTS!! CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN!! but the parents just stands aside smiling as their children torture me from the inside out -__-"
but once in a while i come across children who are very nice and polite. they give me hugs, they kiss my hand and say hi, they pet me(woff woff). and at times i scare the hell out of some kids. they spot me from far, staring at me sitting in their trolleys and as i walk closer, they shrug, and closer, they....... CRY!!! scary nia...
but as some kids bully me, i bully them back to... MUAHAHAHA!! i grab them and pull their hands into the mascot or i get hold of the styrofoam sword and scare the hell out of them... MUAHAHAHA!!!

wat u lookin at? i jab you i tell you!!
but overall, its been hell and heaven at the same time.(most of it hell) i've had fun, and now i know how hard is it to become a bloody mascot. now i know not to bully them..... too much...
be good ar... dont jab arrr