Monday, September 22, 2008


Why tag me... i damn lazy to tag leh...and i dont even thing ppl are gonna read my blog(i hope they do secretly)..
Got a picture Tag from Tabby(miao) and i have to do it...
a) Answer the questions below,do a Google Image Search with your answer,take a picture from the first page of results,do it minimal words of explanation.
b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.

1: The age you'll be on your next birthday:22
he's holding my "dragonfruits" LMAO!
2. A place you’ll like to travel to: Venice

Fulamak! Romantico! VEryNice^^

3. Your favourite place:Beside my baby...

the only place i wanna be right now...

4. Your favourite food:Sushi!

Walaoeh.... Im hungry now...

5. Your favourite pet: British Bulldog

leathery cuteness...

6. Your favourite colour combination :Red and White And Black

i dont know what is it but it looks nice to me...^^

7. Your favourite piece of clothing:T-shirts

Juz Like Me :)

8. Your all-time favourite song:

Fuiyohhh... Molested...(as in touched)

9. Your favourite TV show: House

I like sarcastic humor...and hugh laurie roxx

10. First name of your significant other/crush:

She is so gonna kill me and say... NO OTHER PICTURE ISSIT?

12. Your screen/nickname: Bornblur

a baby(newborn) in a blurred picture... get it? get it?

13. Your first job: Salesperson

i sell things, except for my ass...

14. Your dream job/jobs: a billionaire

Its hard work being a billionaire, writing cheques, paying cash, shopping and etc..

15. A bad habit you have: laziness

yes baby... its a pug...*sigh*

16. Your worst fear: Gays/trannies touching me..

no touch-ie please( they wanna touch me badly)*i dont mind having them as friends but juz not touching me so much*

17. The one thing you’d like to do before you die: Ride every roller coaster in the world


18. The first thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000: Lamborghini Murcielago


I Tag :-

1}Danush Ram





1 comment:

Tabitha Rani said...

pug pug pug pug!!!!! ahhh!!!! i want one!!!!!!!!!! and seriously, no other picture is it... look like a freakin cat prostitute.....

siaw lang...